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The modern content blocker for Android.

Requires Android 6.0+, 10 recommended

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For and only for modern Android browsers.

AdShield is born to be a modern content blocker, from its core to the user interface. It adopts the minimalistic design language of Android and brings you new technologies like Custom DNS, Browser Plug-in, and Adaptive Dark Mode.

Custom DNS
AdShield come with a dns changer which supports Wi-Fi, Mobile connections, both IPv4 and IPv6.
Feature 1
Browser Plug-in
AdShield supports the native Browser Plug-in for Yandex Browser, enables you to enjoy either web or online videos without being distracted.
Feature 2
Dark Mode
AdShield ships with a carefully crafted user interface for the Android 10 dark mode, which includes adjusted colors and textures, providing a sleek and unified look.
Feature 1

More Features

VPN Filters
Quick Tile Setting
Customizable Hosts
Online Updates
Dark Mode
App Lock
Auto Start
Selected Content Blocking
Coming soon

Blocks more than ads.

Powered by the DNS interception technology, AdShield can block almost every ad on every website you visit. With the support of VPN and our browser plug-in, you can also block gambling, porn and social sites with one click.

Malicious Websites